How I Escaped The Matrix (And Why You Keep Getting Pulled Back In)



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“What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” - Morpheus

Before you take the red pill, life is easy, not because it's all roses and rainbows, but because you're unaware of your conditioned mind and the invisible forces shaping your reality.

You might have bad habits, make choices that aren’t aligned with who you truly are, but you don’t feel the weight of it, because you’re running on autopilot.

Just like Neo.

In The Matrix, before taking the red pill, Neo was an ordinary man. He woke up, went to work, followed orders, did what was expected of him. Another employee in the system. He sensed something was off, searching for something more at night, hacking, chasing rumors, but by day, he kept playing his role, trapped in routine, trapped in the illusion.

A while back, a close friend told me something I never forgot.

During a tough period in his life, he said, I wish I could go back to when I was unaware. He called it being "unaware blissed."

What he meant was that before becoming aware of his struggles, they weren’t as painful. But once he saw them clearly, the suffering became more intense, both from falling into them and from realizing how deeply they were controlling him.

And that’s the thing about awakening and taking the red pill, it’s like turning on a flashlight in a dark room.

Imagine living in the shadows your entire life.

Your habits, beliefs, decisions, everything is shaped by the unseen darkness inside you. Then, one day, a flashlight turns on.

Suddenly, you see it all.

  • Your traumas.
  • Your memories.
  • Your past conditioning.
  • Your programmed beliefs.

Everything that was running the show in the background is now fully visible.

And once you see it, you can never unsee it.

The real question is, what do you do next?

Once You See the Truth, There's No Turning Back

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. - Morpheus

When you take the Red Pill, it's like stepping out of a movie you where unknowingly trapped in.

You were so immersed in the story, feeling every high and low, believing it was real.

But now, you step back and see the screen. You see that the story was never you, it was just playing in front of you.

This is spiritual awakening.

It's the moment you become aware of the internal movie itself, detaching from it.

You can still see the movie (your thoughts, memories, beliefs, etc.), but now you're standing apart from it, as the observer.

Before, you were just thinking, feeling, reacting, completely identified with whatever was happening inside your mind.

But now, you realize: you are the observer.

You can watch your thoughts without getting lost in them.

You can notice emotions without drowning in them.

You can witness the mind’s chatter without believing every word it says.

And once you see this, you can never unsee it.

The shadows lose their grip on you.

The illusion starts to dissolve.

You step into a new reality, not one bound by unconscious patterns, but one where you are fully present, fully awake, fully YOU.

However, now, you also have an issue, you have the shadows to deal with.

You have to clean up years of mess:

  • Traumas.
  • Memories.
  • Old conditioning.

The worst part? It can take time. Because it holds you back so hard.

You are so identified with it that you've to let go of it step by step.

And at the same time, your flashlight isn’t always working.

It flickers. It turns on, and suddenly you see everything clearly.

You see the illusion. You feel free. Light. Aware.

But then, it turns off.

And the second it does?

You’re back inside the game. You forget that you’re not the program. You get dragged back into the play.

And the mess? You struggle with it again.

It feels like running through quicksand, the harder you try to move forward, the more you sink into old patterns.

You might fall back into an old habit. An old way of thinking. An old version of yourself.

You try to change, but no matter how hard you push, the old self pulls you back. It’s like fighting a ghost, until you realize that fighting only makes it stronger.

This is the hardest part about awakening.

It’s not just waking up once but, again and again and again.

Until one day…You don’t need the flashlight anymore. Because you become the light.

But until that day arrives, you face a choice:

Do you embrace the truth, no matter how hard it gets? Or do you get pulled back into the comfort of old patterns?

Because staying asleep might feel easier, but it comes at a cost: a life driven by fear, doubt, and the same stories repeating year after year.

This is the real battle of awakening, the battle between the Red Pill and the Blue Pill.

The Red VS Blue Pill

Two paths lie in front of you.

One leads to comfort, the other to truth. But once you see the truth, there’s no going back.

In The Matrix, Neo’s entire life changes the moment Morpheus offers him a choice.

One pill offers the comfort of ignorance: staying asleep, unaware of the shadows shaping your life.

The other offers the harsh truth, waking up to reality, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

At that moment, Neo hesitates. Because deep down, he knows that choosing the red pill means there’s no turning back.

The scariest part about the truth is that it demands change.

And yet, the choice isn’t just Neo's, it’s yours too.

Every day, you stand at the same crossroads.

Do you stay asleep, running on autopilot, blind to the patterns holding you back?

Or do you face the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, and take control of your life?

The choice isn't always obvious.

Most people don't realize they're even choosing.

They wake up, follow routines, chase desires, and avoid discomfort, never questioning whether there's more.

They live plugged into their conditioning, unaware that they're asleep.

Until one day, something shifts.

Maybe it’s a crisis.

Maybe it’s a moment of clarity.

Maybe it's a question that won’t go away: Is this all there is?

And just like Neo, you’re faced with a decision.

Do you take the blue pill and go back to sleep?

Or do you take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

If you are reading this newsletter, it means that you're starting to unplug from the system, you're here for a reason, it's time to wake up... Neo.

The Comfort of Ignorance (Blue Pill Life)

Before waking up, life is easy, not because it’s good, but because you’re unaware.

Sure, you have bad habits. You make choices that aren’t aligned with who you truly are.

But you don’t even realize it. You’re plugged in, running on autopilot.

Before I woke up from the illusion of my own dream, I had habits that weren’t good for my body, mind, or spirit.

I was stuck inside my own movie, running on autopilot.

Every thought, action, and decision I made came from old conditioning and programming.

Beliefs shaped by society and exeternal circumstances. Patterns formed by past experiences.

I wasn't controlling the direction of my life, I was on autopilot.

Just like Neo before the red pill.

Trapped inside the Matrix.

Going to work. Following orders. Playing his role without questioning why.

And just like Neo, I suffered.

Not from life itself, but from the invisible script running in my mind.

Until one day, I hit rock bottom.

And at that moment, I was forced to take the red pill, without any choice.

Looking back, life did feel easier before. But it was a false comfort.

Sure, the pain became harder after I woke up. But it was still better than being unaware, because at least now, I could change.

Before this moment, I was “unaware blissed,” as my friend put it.

But bliss without awareness isn’t freedom.

It’s just another kind of prison.

The Awakening (Red Pill Moment)

Taking the red pill might not bring instant freedom, but at least it brings truth.

And truth isn’t always comfortable.

When Neo took the red pill, his world didn’t get easier, it crushed.

The life he knew was gone, replaced by the true, unfiltered reality he’d been blind to.

But for the first time, he could see.

The patterns. The programming. The invisible cage he’d been living in.

And once you see it, you can't unsee it.

It’s the moment you realize that your habits, thoughts, and emotions aren't random, they’re the result of years of conditioning.

You see the beliefs you never questioned.

The fears that held you back.

The patterns you’ve repeated without even knowing why.

It’s like stepping out of a movie you didn’t know you were trapped in.

But now, you're not just the character, you’re also the observer.

At first, it's overwhelming.

The shadows that once controlled you are now fully visible.

And you have no choice but to face them.

But in that moment, something else happens. You realize you have the power to change.

It might not be easy and there's a lot of challenge waiting, but at least there is a choice to a better life.

This is the difference between the Red and Blue pill.

The Blue Pill keeps you asleep, trapped in a world of unconscious habits and false comfort.

The Red Pill wakes you up, revealing both the shadows and the light within.

But awakening is only the first step.

Because once you see the truth, the real challenge begins:

Facing the old self that refuses to let go.

The Battle (Fighting the Old Self)

Once Neo wakes up from the Matrix, he doesn’t just walk away, he has to fight.

And the biggest fight? Agent Smith.

Agent Smith is more than just an enemy.

He's the embodiment of Neo's old self.

The fears, doubts, and conditioning that kept him trapped inside the illusion.

No matter how many times Neo knocks him down, Smith keeps coming back.

Stronger. Smarter. More relentless.

In real life, it’s the same. When you wake up, your old patterns don’t just disappear.

They show up again and again, pulling you back into the life you’ve outgrown.

And the more you resist them, the stronger they get. They don't disappear until you fully transcend them.

Your old self doesn't give up easily.

The habits, beliefs, and traumas you've carried for years will test you.

They'll show up as triggers, old memories, familiar situations, and thought patterns that tempt you to fall back into who you used to be.

How many times have you heard someone break up with a partner only to end up with a similar one?

It’s because they never released their old self.

Until you break free from the identity and beliefs that created those patterns, you'll keep repeating the same story in different forms.

And the harder you fight against them, the harder they push back.

Because resistance only gives them more power.

But the real challenge isn’t to defeat them, it’s to see through them.

To realize that they have no control over you unless you believe they do.

In The Matrix, Neo spends most of the movie fighting Agent Smith, trying to escape him, dodge him, defeat him.

But in the end, he wins not by fighting harder, but by surrendering.

By allowing Smith to assimilate him, Neo creates a connection to the Source, the power that runs the Matrix.

And through that connection, Smith is destroyed.

But it’s more than just a battle of strength.

It’s a realization: Smith was never separate from Neo. He was the shadow side, the fear, doubt, and control that Neo had to integrate and transcend.

And once Neo accepts this truth, Smith loses all power over him.

It’s the same with your old self.

The moment you stop resisting and start seeing through the illusion, the patterns lose their grip.

Because they were never real, just echoes of who you used to be.

And you release them with acceptance, forgiveness and surrender.

But until that moment, there’s another battle you need to face.

Keeping the Light On (Staying Aware)

Awareness is your flashlight. It’s what reveals the illusion.

But at first, the light flickers.

One moment, you see everything clearly, the patterns, the programming, the false beliefs holding you back.

The next, the light goes out. And just like that, you’re back inside the game.

You forget that you’re not the character.

You fall back into old habits.

You believe the thoughts and emotions as if they're real.

But with practice, the light stays on longer.

The more you meditate, reflect, and observe your mind, the harder it becomes to fall back asleep.

And every time you wake up again, the illusion loses more of its power.

Until one day, you no longer need the flashlight.

Because awareness is no longer something you have to turn on, it becomes who you are.

It’s not about effort or trying to stay awake. It’s about being awake.

Just as Neo no longer needed Morpheus to guide him, you reach a point where presence becomes your natural state.

Because you’ve become the light.

And that’s when the battle ends.

But at this point, you might be wondering:

"Okay, I get the whole Matrix and Neo thing… but how do I actually wake up?"

How to Escape the Matrix

So, why would you even want to wake up?

What’s the promise here for someone who’s still inside the dream?

Let’s put it like this:

The only reason you ever suffer is because you’re asleep.

Everything you chase in life, money, success, relationships, experiences, is because, deep down, you believe it will bring you happiness.

Every goal, every desire, every craving, it all comes from one thing, you’re searching for a feeling.

You want to feel free. You want to feel whole. You want to feel at peace.

And you’ve been conditioned to believe that you need something outside of you to get there.

More money. A better relationship. A different life.

But the feeling you are chasing is already within you.

It’s not something you find, it’s something you remember.

It’s not in objects, not in achievements, not in the 3D world.

It's in being itself.

But when you’re asleep, plugged into the Matrix, you can't see that.

So you keep chasing. You keep seeking. You keep suffering.

Because no matter what you achieve, it’s never enough.

The moment you get what you wanted, the mind moves the goalpost.

It keeps you running in circles, never realizing that everything you’ve been looking for has been within you the whole time.

And that’s the promise of waking up.

  • To stop chasing and just flowing.
  • To stop suffering and start enjoying.
  • To unplug from the illusion and step into the true unfiltered reality.

And once you feel a glimpse of it, you’ll never want to go back.

Waking up isn't a one-time event.

It's more a process. A journey. A battle. A beautiful adventure when you look back on it.

And every step you take brings more clarity, more peace, and more freedom.

So, how do you start?

I’ve found that the path to freedom comes down to two steps:

  1. The Path of Awareness: Turning on the light of consciousness.
  2. The Path of Cleansing: Releasing the old self that holds you back.

The Path of Awareness: Keeping the light on

Awareness is the key to breaking free.

It’s like turning on a flashlight in a dark room.

Suddenly, you see the patterns, beliefs, and emotions that have been controlling you.

At first, the light flickers.

One moment, you see clearly. The next, you’re back in the movie, lost in your thoughts, habits, and old ways of being.

But with practice, the light stays on longer.

Until one day, you no longer need the flashlight, because you’ve become the light.

So, how do you turn on and keep the light on?


This is the most powerful practice for expanding your awareness.

Here’s a simple way to start:

1) Anchor Yourself in the Present

Your breath is the best tool for expanding your awareness, it happens in the present moment, never in the past or future.

  • Focus on your breath.
  • Feel the air moving in and out of your nose.
  • When your mind drifts into thoughts, notice it, then gently return to your breath. No judgment.

At first, your mind may wander, but each time you return to the breath, your awareness grows stronger.

With practice, you’ll stay present longer, and your awareness will expand naturally.

Start with 5-10 minutes daily.

Sit or lie down in a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

If your mind wanders, simply return to the breath.

2) Observe Without Judgment

Once you’re anchored in the present, expand your awareness to observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they arise.

Don’t engage with them or judge them, just notice.

Like clouds passing through the sky, watch them come and go without holding on.

  • After focusing on your breath for a few minutes, shift your awareness to your inner world.
  • Notice thoughts and emotions without labeling them as good or bad.
  • If something intense arises, welcome it with acceptance instead of resistance.

Practice this daily for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing as you become more comfortable.

Over time, the illusion starts to lose its grip.

Agent Smith, the embodiment of your old self, loses his power because you’re no longer fighting him.

You’re simply seeing through him.

And the longer you keep the light of awareness on, the harder it becomes to fall back asleep.

Awareness is the first step, but true freedom comes from releasing what holds you back.

Seeing the patterns is the first step, releasing them is the next.

The Path of Cleansing: Releasing the Old Self

Cleansing involves doing the inner work to release the emotional baggage that keeps you stuck.

This means facing your shadows: the fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs that Agent Smith represents.

The more you expand your awareness (turn on your flashlight), the more old issues will surface that you can work through.

There are many ways to release your old baggage and defeat Agent Smith, but these are the ones that worked best for me:

1) Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool for this process.

Writing down your thoughts, triggers, and emotions helps you see where they come from and understand the stories you've been telling yourself.

By putting it on paper, you gain clarity. seeing your thoughts and patterns from a new perspective, making it easier to work with them.

Make it a daily habit to write down your thoughts, whether in a notebook, on your phone, or on your computer, whatever feels right for you.

2) Shadow work

Shadow work is the process of exploring the parts of yourself that you've suppressed or avoided, the hidden fears, limiting beliefs, and unresolved emotions that shape your thoughts and behaviors.

Think of it as taking the fight against Agent Smith to the source.

But instead of resisting him, you confront him with awareness and acceptance, stripping away his power.

Here’s how to start:

Notice your emotional triggers. Moments of anger, fear, shame, or jealousy. These are signals pointing to unresolved wounds. When they arise, write them down, through journaling for example.

Use journaling to explore what lies beneath these emotions. Ask Why do I feel this way? and let your thoughts flow without judgment.

Release them through acceptance and forgiveness. What you resist persists. True freedom comes from accepting your past, forgiving yourself and others, and letting go of the emotional weight attached to old experiences. Each time you release a layer of emotional weight, you unlock more of your true potential, replacing fear and doubt with confidence and freedom. With each layer you shed, you step closer to becoming your most authentic self.

If you want to dive deeper, here are three great books on shadow work:

  • The Shadow Work Journal: A Guide to Integrate and Transcend Your Shadows by Keila Shaheen
  • The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest
  • Transformative Shadow Work by Lulu Nicholson

These are merely suggestions if you'd like to explore further. Feel free to check them out, or any other book that resonates with you.

The idea is to turn your attention inward, face your shadows (Agent Smith), and integrate them into your whole self.

Every layer you accept and release brings you closer to freedom.

The journey of awakening is not about fighting the world but freeing yourself from the illusion within.

It’s about remembering who you are beyond the stories, patterns, and conditioning that once defined you.

And the deeper you go, the more you’ll realize that the freedom, peace, and happiness you’ve been chasing were never outside of you.

They were within you all along.

So the question is:

Are you ready to take the Red Pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

Because once you start, there's no turning back.


P.S Follow the White Rabbit.


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