How To Reset Your Mind In 7 Days (And Watch Life Start Flowing In Your Favour)



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Nothing changes if nothing changes.

How many times have you heard that?

The only reason you're stuck is because you don't change.

I've been there, many times.

Sometimes, it felt like I was stuck in a loop, living the same way over and over. But I wouldn't even realize it until months later.

I’d look back and think: How the fck have I been in this same routine for so long?

But eventually, I always got out.

The common pattern? I changed.

Most people want something different. They know they need to do something different to get it. But they don’t know what to change.

“If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting. You want change, make some.”

I used to be lost.

I wanted so much out of life.

I wanted change.

I wanted something different.

But I couldn't figure out how.

With time, I learned to trust my own inner guru, my intuition.

I was led into the right challenges, the ones that forced me to change.

The right books landed in my lap, giving me the next solution.

One of those books was The 7 Day Mental Diet by Emmet Fox.

It changed my life.

The book was only 10 pages long.

Only ten? you might think. But let me tell you, those ten pages were the most powerful ones I’d ever read.

Less theory, more practice.

The book is about applying a mental diet for 7 consecutive days to change your life.

I’ll show you how later in this newsletter.

For now, let’s focus on why you’re here, reading this.

This might change your life forever, just like it did for me.

The Cycle of No Change: Your Personal Hell

I want to coach people and help them transform.
I want to get in shape and have a better body.
I have an app idea I want to build.
I want to feel happier.
I want to be free.

These were things I wanted back in the day.

You might have different goals.

But one thing is the same, you crave change.

You already know what you want.

You might have even painted a vivid picture of it.

A vision board that should do the magical job.

But here you are, still stuck, still waiting for the first step to appear.

You hesitate. You doubt your abilities.

You see change as some future event, something you hope will happen.

But right now, it feels more like a dream.

And so, you stay stuck.

Feeling pessimistic. Negative.

Meanwhile, everyone else seems to be making it out.

Social media is flooded with success stories, numbers, wins.

But you? You're still standing at the starting line, watching.

I know you're a heartful, kind person. We all are.

But in this moment, you can’t seem to feel genuine happiness for others.

Instead, you feel jealousy, resentment.

Because they have what you dream about.

Their success triggers your ambition and desire.

I know the feeling. I used to be in that position.

That’s why I’m writing this, because I found my way out of the maze.

Today, I am the person I used to look at on social media and wish to become.

I haven’t reached the mountaintop yet, but I take action every day.

I make progress. I keep growing.

I live a life filled with happiness, flow, positivity, and joy while working toward my goals.

It feels easy today.

I find solutions fast.

I navigate life like water flowing through rocks.

But this didn’t happen overnight.

The change I went through came in different seasons.

I’ve been on the personal development journey for over seven years.

There are many steps you'll take as you evolve.

And I can't give you the full blueprint, that’s your journey.

But I can guarantee one thing: You are divinely guided. You will find your way.

And sometimes, a single solution appears, one that can change the whole game with minimal effort.

That’s what I’m offering you today.

A simple, step-by-step process that will transform your life.

In just 7 days, you can flip your life 180°.

This method is powerful. I've applied it many times before.

If I could give my old self one piece of advice, it would be this:

Apply the mental diet.

Buckle up.

It’s a hell of a ride, but if you stick with me and apply what I teach you,

Your life will not be the same.

How To Reset Your Mind In 7 Days

This is the process I turn to whenever I feel out of balance.

When life feels like it’s working against me, not for me.

When negativity creeps in.

When everything seems to be falling apart and I can't find a way through.

Every time I do this, I feel an immense shift, inside and out.

Every. Single. Time.

But don't take my word for it.

The only way to believe this works is to try it yourself.

As I said before, it’s a hell of a ride.

Things might fall apart before they come together.

But that’s the thing about a reset, you have to break the system before you can rebuild it.

You Are What You Think

"You become what you eat"

You’ve probably heard that before.

Whatever you feed your body, you become.

But what if I told you the same applies to your thoughts?

We always hear about dieting, 30-day meal plans.

Detox programs.

Strict food rules.

But what about a mental diet?

One of the biggest factors in your life is the mental diet you have.

The thoughts you feed your mind with determine everything, your mood, your body, your health, even your bank account.

Think about it.

The more negative thoughts you have.

The more fear, doubt, and pessimism running in your mind, It’s like wearing a dirty lens while navigating life.

If that lens is covered in negativity, do you think your vision would be clear?

Do you think that, even if something amazing happened, you’d be able to see it?

Would you truly feel happy when someone close to you succeeds?

Or would that dirty lens distort everything, making you feel bitter instead?

The same applies to a positive lens.

That’s why two people can look at the same event, but have completely different reactions.

It’s not the event.

It’s the lens they’re wearing.

And the power?

It’s in your hands.

You either live a happy, fulfilling life, or a shitty one.

Because you can’t be happy, healthy, or successful if your mind is filled with doubt, resentment, or negativity.

It’s not your fault that you were programmed with a bad mental diet.

But if you now know this, and choose to do nothing?

That’s on you.

Change takes effort.

Don’t take this lightly.

Your mental diet is everything.

Your future depends on the thoughts you choose to entertain today.

And the only way to make this work is to go all in. To create a new habit of thought.

It takes 7 days.

If done properly, It'll change your life.

When Life Fights Back

Before we go into the process, I want to give you a perspective, a story from a time when I applied the 7-day mental diet.

At that time, I was working night shifts in a warehouse.

I decided to reset and go all in for 7 consecutive days.

Here’s what happened:

Challenge 1: The Blowout

On my way to work late in the evening, I was driving down the highway, music blasting—just like every other night.

Then, BOOM.

A loud explosion. My car starts sliding.

My tire had a blowout.

For a split second, panic kicked in.

But in the back of my mind, I remembered the mental diet.

I calmed myself. No stress. No frustration. Just focus.

I pulled into a bus station, called a friend, and explained the situation, without spiraling into negativity.

He offered to order an Uber to get me to work.

Then I remembered something.

The night before, I had dinner with my family near where my tire blew out. I remembered the parking fee was cheap.

So I made a crazy decision, I drove there on the blown tire. Sparks flying, GTA-style.

I parked the car, just as the Uber arrived.

All good.

I had just faced a complex situation, but by staying calm, solutions appeared effortlessly.

Challenge 2: The Furious Uber Driver

The Uber driver pulled up.


I hadn’t seen someone this angry in a long time.

Normally, I wouldn’t have even gotten in the car.

But again, I remembered the mental diet.

No reaction. No negativity. Just calm presence.

He started yelling at me, venting frustration over his last passenger, who had puked in the car and treated him like garbage.

I just listened.

Slowly, his energy shifted.

He apologized. Said he'd had a rough night.

I felt sorry for him and told him not to worry.

We even stopped at a gas station so he could clean up the car.

Even though I was out of time to make it to work, I felt completely calm.

By the time we got back on the road, the energy had changed.

The rest of the ride was smooth, positive, even enjoyable.

I arrived EXACTLY on time to work, down to the minute.

Challenge 3: The Boss From Hell

At work, my boss was usually annoying but manageable.

But that night?

It was like I had personally offended him.

He was on me the entire shift, complaining, checking my work, complaining about everything.

I knew exactly what was happening.

The mental diet was triggering resistance.

So I laughed it off.

I even joked with him, trying to keep things light.

He didn’t let up.

But I didn’t break either.

Challenge 4: The Complaining Co-Workers

I had great co-workers.

We usually joked around, laughed, had fun while working.

But not that night.

That night, I was stationed with three people who did nothing but complain.

  • “Why are you doing this?”
  • “That shouldn’t be there.”
  • “Bro, come on…”

The worst part?

I wasn’t even doing a bad job.

It felt like a video game, like the entire world was against me.

From the tire blowing out, to the angry Uber driver, to my boss, to my co-worker…

It made no sense.

But that night shifted everything for me.

Why This Happens When You Try to Change

I had already spent years working on my inner world.

I knew from experience, and from watching others, that the moment you decide to level up, resistance shows up.

Here’s what I mean:

Let's say you decide to change jobs.

You’re aiming for a higher-paying position at a better company.

The goal is clear.

You update your resume, start searching, maybe even visualize yourself in that new role.

Then, almost immediately, something happens.

Doubts start creeping in:

  • What if I’m not qualified enough?
  • What if I fail the interviews?
  • What if I don’t find anything better?
  • What if I make the wrong choice and regret leaving?

Suddenly, you're procrastinating.

You're overanalyzing job descriptions.

You're talking yourself out of applying.

This isn't a sign that you’re making the wrong decision.

This is just your subconscious bringing up all the old fears that were running in the background.


Because you’re stepping into something bigger, and all the old conditioning fights to hold on.

The Same Thing Happens When You Start a Mental Diet

You commit to staying positive for seven days, no matter what.

But you’ve never fully stepped into this way of thinking before.

Old thought patterns creep in.

Your mind searches for reasons to slip back into negativity.

Challenges arise, not to stop you, but to test whether you’ll react the way you always have, or choose something new. Like the ones in my story.

Most People Give Up Here

They don’t realize that the resistance is proof they’re stepping into change.

But if you can push through, something shifts.

This is where real transformation happens.

The 7 Day Mental Diet Challenge

The challenge is simple.

But don’t mistake simple for easy.

For 7 consecutive days, you must not entertain, dwell on, or engage in negative thoughts.

Slip up even once? The 7 days restart.

This isn’t to punish you.

It’s to make sure you actually reprogram your mind.

What Counts as Negative Thinking?

A negative thought is any thought of:

  • Doubt, fear, or worry (“What if I fail?” / “I’m not good enough.”)
  • Criticism of yourself or others (“They’re so annoying.” / “I always mess up.”)
  • Jealousy or resentment (“Why do they have it easier than me?”)
  • Complaints about life (“This always happens to me.”)
  • Focusing on problems instead of solutions

A negative thought appearing in your mind isn't the problem.

Dwelling on it is.

How to Handle Negative Thoughts

When a negative thought appears, don’t fight it.

Just let it pass.

Think of it like an uninvited guest knocking at your door.

  • Ignore it, and it leaves.
  • Entertain it, and it moves in and takes over.

Your job this week?

Don’t open the door.

What If You Can’t Avoid Negativity?

  • If someone complains, don't argue, just don't absorb it.
  • If life throws challenges at you, stay centered, don't let it shake you.
  • If you feel stress, doubt, or frustration creeping in, breathe, reset, and keep moving.

This will be hard.

Your old mental habits will fight back.

But if you stick with it, this one week will change how you experience life forever.

You now have the blueprint.

The only thing left is to apply it.

This challenge isn’t easy, but it will change your life if you fully commit.

To make it as simple as possible, I’ve created a free 7-Day Mental Diet Template for you.

What’s inside?

  • A daily tracker to keep you accountable.
  • A quick reference guide for handling negative thoughts.
  • A reflection section to track your progress.

You can find it here.

Are you ready?


Next week, I’m taking you inside an experience that has been calling me for years.

This weekend, I’m stepping into the unknown, no distractions, no escape, just me and the medicine.

I’m drinking Ayahuasca for the first time.

They say it shows you what you need to see, not what you want to see.
I have no idea what’s waiting for me on the other side.

But next week, I’ll tell you exactly what happened.

Stay tuned.



Join 200+ seekers on the path to inner growth, self-mastery, and purpose. Discover insights on manifestation, spirituality, and personal evolution every week.